Page 1353 - Week 05 - Thursday, 25 June 1992

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11% of households not using ACTION reported that they had cats provided by employers. A significant proportion of respondents reported that they need to use their own car for work reasons.

Willingness to pay higher rates acrd charges

5296 of respondents indicated a willingness to pay more for community policing

3496 of respondents indicated a willingness to pay more for government schools.

45% indicated a willingness to pay more to support health services.

47% indicated a willingness to pay more for maintenance of parks and reserves.

40% indicated a willingness to pay more to maintain high standards of road maintenance.

296-396 of respondents indicated a willingness to pay $250 or more per year, in each category. However most indicating a willingness to pay more regarded an amount up to $50 as appropriate for the service.

Continuing the survey in future years

769n of respondents were in favour of continuing the survey in future years and 1796 were against. Strongest support came from Tuggeranong (81 %) and least from South Canberra (6996).

(6) As a result of the findings, the Government has undertaken the following


To i rove the mess of government services and their location:

specific "easy-to-read" information regarding location and phone numbers of the selected ACT government services indicated in Question 1 of the survey to be plaid in the ACr Government sponsored pages of the 1992 Canberra Telecom directory.

. the encouragement of the inclusion of ACr government services in those privately sponsored publications which are delivered to all households eg. The Canberra Book and the Community Diary.

the inclusion of specific ACr government services in the ACT Government Functional Directory -this publication is available for purchase by the public.


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