Page 1335 - Week 05 - Thursday, 25 June 1992

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(2) and (3)

The Government does not consider it appropriate at this time to seek financial restitution as a matter of course, from people requiring rescue from ACT wilderness areas. Such incidents happen comparatively rarely and the costs involved are small in relation to the overall costs of the AFP.

Also, the AFP, as the principal agency involved in search and rescue missions, has a clear legislative responsibility to provide police services in the ACT. The rescue of persons from ACT wilderness areas, even if their predicament is the result of foolishness or lack of preparation, clearly comes within the scope of police services and it does not believe it can charge individuals for the police costs incurred during the search.

When such incidents occur the AFP does emphasise, through the various media outlets, the necessary safety aspects that should have been observed. These warnings will hopefully reach the broader community to reduce the likelihood of a similar incident occurring in the future.


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