Page 1320 - Week 05 - Thursday, 25 June 1992

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Let us have a little look at the evidence. There was some reference to ACIL in the lead-up to remarks that were typed as if they were a quote in the proof copy. ACIL, you will all recall, was an organisation which advised the Liberal Party in relation to matters which were before the - - -

Mr Kaine: I raise a point of order, Madam Speaker. ACIL has never advised the Liberal Party. This assertion has been refuted before in this house. I made it quite clear, in a personal explanation, that the document that was being referred to was a document that was given to me personally by an individual. There was no advice or consultancy of any kind from ACIL. I think it is quite improper for that assertion to continue to be made in the Assembly when it is not true.

MADAM SPEAKER: Thank you, Mr Kaine. Mr Berry, I take it that you heard Mr Kaine's comments. Please proceed.

MR BERRY: Yes. Of course, the advice that was given to the Liberals was provided by Mr Trebeck from ACIL.

Mr De Domenico: What advice?

MR BERRY: It was advice in relation to matters which were before the Racing Ministers in Australia. It seems to me that again the Liberals have become sensitive about this issue of ACIL reporting matters to the Liberals.

Mr De Domenico: ACIL had nothing at all to do with the Animal Welfare Bill, Mr Berry.

MR BERRY: Well, let us have a look at this.

Mr De Domenico: Nothing in the document that Mr Lamont failed to present to this Assembly had anything to do with ACIL; so get your facts straight.

MR BERRY: We are getting very defensive about ACIL. ACIL, of course, did provide information to the Liberal Party; it was provided from ACIL's records. I have written to various Ministers around the country about this issue and I have received a few responses. I will just quote from one of them.

Mr Humphries: Madam Speaker, this is completely immaterial.

Members interjected.

Mr Humphries: Madam Speaker, do I have the floor?

MADAM SPEAKER: Are you raising a point of order, Mr Humphries?

Mr Humphries: I take a point of order, Madam Speaker. Mr Berry is speaking to a motion moved by Mr De Domenico concerning the censure of Mr Lamont. Letters from Racing Ministers on a so-called ACIL document which is not even part of this debate cannot be material or relevant and, because it is not relevant, Mr Berry should not be talking about it.

MR BERRY: Madam Speaker, I am sort of indicating that they could probably move that I table the document from which I am reading, if they really wanted to. I will not proceed with it because it seems to be making the Liberals rather nervous and jittery. It will be raised again in due course.

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