Page 1316 - Week 05 - Thursday, 25 June 1992

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MR LAMONT: Because I understood, when you moved your motion, that you wanted the notes, the comprehensive notes, that I was quoting from; and you got them.

Mr De Domenico: Let us throw logic into the wind, Mr Lamont.

MR LAMONT: You got them, Mr De Domenico. Now, if there is a problem with that, Madam Speaker, as I have said, I will table the document which I said my staff currently are looking for. One of my staff members is currently looking for it. I thought there were only two pages in the document that I received. If there are three, I will be interested to see what is on the third page, Mr De Domenico.

Mr De Domenico: Where did you get it from?

MR LAMONT: It was shoved under my door.

Mr De Domenico: From whom?

MR LAMONT: I have absolutely no idea.

Mr De Domenico: Right. Why did you not table it on that night, then? Why did you not table it on the night that you were asked to?

MR LAMONT: Because my understanding was that you wanted the notes that I was speaking from.

Mr De Domenico: No. Read the Hansard proof.

MR LAMONT: Well, I am sorry, Mr De Domenico. If in fact you want your own document tabled, for your own embarrassment - - -

Mr De Domenico: No; I have it here.

MR LAMONT: Well, okay; how about you table that?

Mr De Domenico: No; because you were asked to table it.

MR LAMONT: Okay; it is not a problem. If you give me a copy of that now before my staff member finds it, I am happy to table it for you.

Mr De Domenico: No; we want to find out where you got yours from.

MR LAMONT: I have absolutely no difficulty in tabling either the quote, which was read into Hansard, or the full document.

Mr De Domenico: Why did you not table it yesterday?

MR LAMONT: Because it was my understanding, Mr De Domenico, that you were misinformed as to what you were saying, which is not unusual.

Mr De Domenico: No.

MR LAMONT: It is not unusual.

Mr Kaine: Deliberate deception, I am afraid.

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