Page 1286 - Week 05 - Thursday, 25 June 1992

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Madam Speaker, with these few comments I believe I have indicated enough concerns with this Bill to raise the question of why the need to race it through. If there are no reasons to expedite the Bill today, we would urge that further consideration of it be adjourned until the August sitting. As I said previously, Madam Speaker, we do not disagree with the Bill per se. We agree with the substance of the Bill; but, being quite honest, I must say that I have read the explanatory memorandum and the other items a couple of times, but I have not read the Bill in its totality. That being the case, we will certainly not oppose it, but we would like to give notice that we require more time in future.

MS FOLLETT (Chief Minister and Treasurer) (12.14), in reply: Madam Speaker, I would like to thank Mr Westende for his indication of support for this important Bill. I believe that this Bill is long overdue. It will establish a regulatory system for gas distribution, which has been lacking since 1980 when gas first came to Canberra. It has been some time coming.

The Bill really relates back to 1989 and the earliest days of self-government - of a Labor Government, I should say - when it was necessary for the Government at that time to freeze the price of gas in the ACT as a result of a large discrepancy in the price to Canberra consumers compared with that to consumers across the border in Queanbeyan. Since that time it has been possible to address the pricing regime. I should say that AGL has cooperated in all of that negotiation and debate, and the result now is that we have the Bill before us.

Madam Speaker, there is little of detail to respond to. The Scrutiny of Bills Committee has made a recommendation in relation to this Bill, and I would like to foreshadow that I will be moving a very minor amendment during the later stage of debate of this Bill. I would like to answer Mr Westende's comment about the research and development arrangements. I advise Mr Westende that the decisions about which areas of energy research and development might be pursued through the use of that levy have not yet been made. There is still some negotiation to be done.

I would like to comment also that at this stage there has been no decision made to extend that levy to other energy suppliers, although there is a possibility of some sort of joint research being undertaken, say between AGL and ACTEW. There obviously will be areas of research that are necessary for the good of the community, and that levy will be usefully employed in pursuing that research.

Madam Speaker, that concludes my comments. I commend the Bill to the Assembly. It has been a long time coming. I appreciate the fact that it is now able to be dealt with under the urgency motion, but clearly it has the support of the Assembly.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Bill agreed to in principle.

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