Page 1276 - Week 05 - Thursday, 25 June 1992

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The other point that I think is worth raising specifically is the notion of the land brokerage system used in South Australia. I understand that a number of jurisdictions have now taken the conveyancing of land away from the legal profession and are handling it at a semi-legal level. That has been done in South Australia, I think for about a century or so, and done very successfully. I think it is important that that be included in the terms of the reference to this committee. I commend the motion to the Assembly.

MR HUMPHRIES (11.39): Madam Speaker, I indicate that I, for my part, have no objection to this motion. I am getting the wind-up already, Madam Speaker. That is a red rag to a bull, if ever I saw it. I might, if I am persuaded, put aside my 15-minute speech and just give my two-minute one.

Mr Lamont: They are exactly the same.

MR HUMPHRIES: Madam Speaker, perhaps they are just repeating the same words over and over again, if you are not careful. That would be torture. Madam Speaker, I want to declare my interest in the matter. Subparagraph (e) in that motion referred to the question of land brokerage. During the recent election campaign I indicated that my party was opposed to that concept or that notion. The idea of conveyancing firms opening up in Canberra, we felt, was not justified on the evidence at this stage.

Mr Kaine: Can we stop the debate while I pull up the flag?

MR HUMPHRIES: Yes, I can stop the debate while you pull up the flag, Mr Kaine.

Mr Kaine: I just want to raise the flag.

MR HUMPHRIES: Raise the flag; there we go. Madam Speaker, I remain to be convinced about that; but, of course, this inquiry would be an opportunity to examine the evidence with respect to that matter. I am prepared to remain open-minded about that and, as chairman of that committee, ensure that the issue is given a proper hearing.

Mr Moore indicated that there is a real problem, as there has been for many years, concerning the question of who gets access to the law and the cost of legal counsel. It is an issue which I, as a solicitor, was aware of very much in my practising life, and I am very much interested in seeing what issues we can address and what solutions we can propose to alleviate this problem. Therefore, I commend the motion.

MR BERRY (Minister for Health, Minister for Industrial Relations and Minister for Sport) (11.41): Madam Speaker, on behalf of the Government I indicate that we will be supporting Mr Moore's motion.

MR MOORE (11.41), in reply: In that case I can close the debate, Madam Speaker. I just want to mention that we do recognise that a Senate committee has been looking into this issue. I think it is important that the committee not attempt to reinvent the wheel but use the information that will be available, and to a certain extent is available from that Senate committee. I thank members because I think this can make a contribution to the work of this Assembly and to our society.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

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