Page 1243 - Week 05 - Wednesday, 24 June 1992

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(2) Under the Supported Accommodation Assistance Program

(SAAP), the following salary allocations for workers are

made available to these services:

Ainslie Village 8.56

Cura Casa 4.45

Cura Casa Annexe 2.825

Emmaus House Nil.

These refuges are run by autonomous community organisations who are fully responsible for their own employment matters.

(3) The persons each service can accommodate are as follows:

Ainslie Village 2 5 0

Cura Casa 14

Cura Casa Annexe 10

Emmaus House 8

(4)(a) Because of the nature of data collected under the SAAP program, it is not possible to provide data on the average period of stay.

(b) The information for the SAAP services has been aggregated in accordance with a long-standing agreement with SAAP services. It is also relevant to note that Cura Casa Annexe was closed for 2 months for renovations.

The data is:

82 002 bed nights provided with 1447 turnaways.

It must be remembered that these figures include people accommodated from targets groups other than single men and it is not possible to break them down into particular target groups.

Figures are not available for Emmaus House as it is not funded by the government.


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