Page 1230 - Week 05 - Wednesday, 24 June 1992

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(2) The costs incurred by the Australian Federal Police (AFP) to investigate

complaints against ACT Region police are not directly charged to the ACT

Government. These costs form part of the overall corporate charges which the

AFP charges the ACT Government under the Policing Arrangement.

Costs incurred by the Commonwealth Ombudsmans Office in respect of such complaints are charged to the ACT Government by the Ombudsmans Office. The Ombudsmans Office maintains statistics on a financial year basis and therefore costings for the calendar years specified are not readily available.

The formula by which charges to the ACT are calculated operates on the basis of a workload factor derived from the previous years complaint statistics applied to the current year budget estimates. The first year in which the formula applied was for 1990-91 using 1989-90 statistics of 269 complaints -the cost was $318,234. The next year, 1991-92, the cost was $387,580 using 1990-91 complaint numbers of 342. Details are not yet available for 199293.

(3) (a) 32 charges resulting in 15 convictions.

(b) Nil as at 8 May 1992.

(4) No.

(5) (a) N/A

(b) N/A

(6) Complaints against members of the AFP, including those members performing

community policing duties in the ACT, are pursued in accordance with the

Commonwealth Complaints (AFP) Act 1981. Accordingly, any decision to

amend the legislation to provide for legal action in respect of mischievous or

vexatious complaints rests with the Commonwealth Government.


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