Page 1228 - Week 05 - Wednesday, 24 June 1992
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were built from the mid-1960s on, underground supply. He established a 132,000-volt supply system, dropping down to 11,000 volts for distribution, which apparently, I am told by my experts - not understanding these things myself - is now the standard. When it was introduced in the early 1960s by ACTEA it was something of an innovation. It allowed us to get away from heavy complicated overhead wires and have the simple wire up the back of the blocks or the underground wire.
Madam Speaker, Mr Jones lived a very full life in Canberra serving the community. He retired from the ACTEA at the statutory retirement age of 65 in 1975. He was 82 years old on his passing. In recent years he would have been perhaps familiar to a large number of Canberrans who, during Heritage Week, undertook guided tours of the Kingston powerhouse. Mr Jones conducted those tours, having, as a very young cadet engineer, been involved in the early construction of that powerhouse. I think it is appropriate that we note the passing of a remarkable Canberran, and one of those people who have links to the very early days and establishment of this city.
Death of Mr Alan Jones
MR DE DOMENICO (5.52): Madam Speaker, I rise to agree with Mr Connolly. Mr Westende and I personally knew Mr Alan Jones through our involvement in the Canberra Rotary Club. I endorse the remarks made by Mr Connolly. Alan Jones was always a committed person in everything that he did. He had a fantastic personality and a magnificent involvement in the charitable organisations that he took on after his retirement from the ACTEA. Mr Jones will be missed by my fellow Rotarians because he was always there with a chuckle and a joke. The jokes were usually not so clean, but they were still very funny, let me tell you. He will be sadly missed. He was a wonderful man and did a lot of good things for Canberra. He should be remembered for a long, long time.
Question resolved in the affirmative.
Assembly adjourned at 5.52 pm
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