Page 1224 - Week 05 - Wednesday, 24 June 1992

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rise to an interpretation that there is no flexibility, and substitute "liability in respect of the account in accordance with the declaration", which makes it clear that the review committee can make a decision as to the extent of liability that it waives. That wording would then be consistent with clause 26, which makes it clear that the liability is discharged in whole or part. That minor amendment picks up that concern.

One point should be finally reiterated. Mr Westende had concerns about people abusing this social reform. He made some references to people thinking that government is there to solve all their problems. His remarks really reflected general Liberal Party philosophy that social welfare will always be rorted and people will assume that government will solve all their problems. The issue of potential abuse of this proposal has been very carefully gone into. As Ms Ellis commented, we have gone to the point of having a penalty clause, so that a person seeking to abuse this provision will suffer a financial penalty. This is extraordinarily realistic. I doubt whether there will be much abuse of the system. This is not that sort of approach that the Liberals often criticise reformist governments for on the grounds that they are naive and producing systems that will be abused. We thought of abuse, and we have a penalty.

So this is very carefully thought out, reformist legislation. It will be of real benefit to Canberra families who find themselves in financial distress this winter. I commend its passage to the Assembly. This Bill, if passed, will mark a signal day in law reform for this Assembly because, if we deal with this Bill this afternoon, we will have dealt with five very significant pieces of legislative reform with a view to ensuring greater social justice in the Territory.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Bill agreed to in principle.

Detail Stage

Bill, by leave, taken as a whole

MR CONNOLLY (Attorney-General, Minister for Housing and Community Services and Minister for Urban Services) (5.39): Madam Speaker, I move:

Page 8, subparagraph 22(a)(ii), line 5, omit "all liability in respect of the account", substitute "liability in respect of the account in accordance with the declaration".

I have taken what we may perhaps adopt as a standard practice when we move amendments which implement a Scrutiny of Bills Committee report. I have added in handwriting to the circulated amendment a somewhat informal explanatory memorandum which says:

This picks up the comments of the Scrutiny of Bills Committee.

Amendment agreed to.

Bill, as a whole, as amended, agreed to.

Bill, as amended, agreed to.

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