Page 1160 - Week 05 - Wednesday, 24 June 1992

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is that drivers, in not keeping to the left, believe that the right-hand lane is a speed lane and drive accordingly. However, I do acknowledge Mr Connolly's point about the effectiveness of this law in peak times when both lanes are fairly busy and are required to accommodate traffic demands. While the Government has indicated its opposition to the Bill, it is noted that the Minister has undertaken to look at the matter of signage, such as "keep left unless overtaking", or something similar. It is also noted that the Minister has undertaken to monitor traffic flows on these expressways in the ACT to assess further the matter addressed in this Bill. I also acknowledge that driver education is a very necessary ongoing need, and I would be very interested in seeing further developments along these lines - education not only in general driving courtesies but also in driving skills.

Ms Szuty pointed out that it is an offence to hinder traffic and that in theory a police officer could book a driver for this kind of behaviour. However, the point is that this is rarely done. When people notice a police officer they normally slow down and if they are not in the left-hand lane they usually move there fairly decisively. I believe that people do realise that it is the correct practice to drive on the left when not overtaking; but they tend to be rather lax about it because there is nothing to encourage them to do so, apart from general courtesy. I suggest that courtesy is not a strong point amongst most drivers. It seems that all speakers believe that education is an important issue and, as such, it should be given further attention by the Assembly.

I further suggest that the Minister look into the training program for driving instructors, who currently do not - I emphasise that - encourage their pupils to keep to the left. We can accept signs as the first remedy; but, if that does not work, will the Minister agree to resurrect this Bill and make it into law? If the Minister will not give this undertaking, must we therefore assume or draw the conclusion from this debate that no Bill is any good unless it emanates from the Government; in other words, that private members' Bills do not rank, whatever they are about? As to the second part of the Bill, I understand that we may not get support on those fines, and we will wait until the amendment is moved to see whether we support it.

Question put:

That this Bill be agreed to in principle.

The Assembly voted -

AYES, 8  NOES, 7 

Mrs Carnell Mr Berry
Mr De Domenico Mr Connolly
Mr Humphries Ms Ellis
Mr Kaine Ms Follett
Mr Moore Mrs Grassby
Mr Stevenson Ms McRae
Ms Szuty Mr Wood
Mr Westende

Question so resolved in the affirmative.

Bill agreed to in principle.

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