Page 1130 - Week 05 - Tuesday, 23 June 1992

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Detail Stage

Clause 1 agreed to.

Clause 2

MR KAINE (Leader of the Opposition) (10.18): I move:

Omit the clause.

The amendment is a simple one; that is, that clause 2 be deleted from this Bill.

Mr Connolly: Madam Speaker, I raise a point of order. Standing orders provide that an amendment cannot negative the Bill. As this is a repeal Bill and this is an attempt to drop the repeal Bill, I would submit that that is inappropriate within the forms of the house. If it is not in the standing orders, I suggest that we look at the practice. An amendment to a Bill cannot negative the effect of a Bill, as I understand the position.

MR KAINE: Madam Speaker, the standing orders do say that each member is entitled to speak twice for 10 minutes in the detail stage of the Bill, and I wish to speak only once.

MADAM SPEAKER: Mr Kaine, would you give me one minute while I consult the standing orders and speak to the Clerk.

MR KAINE: On a point of order, Madam Speaker, if you are unable to make up your mind that you can rule against - - -

MADAM SPEAKER: Mr Kaine, I was not receiving advice from anyone but my Clerks, and I am about to rule on the point of order. I am upholding your right to run that amendment.

MR KAINE: Thank you. I am glad you made that clear. I think it is appalling that members seek to influence the Speaker - - -

MADAM SPEAKER: Mr Kaine, I have already noted that that was not the case, and I will not have my judgments impugned in that way. I was listening to the Clerks.

MR KAINE: My apologies, Madam Speaker; but I suggest that the Minister keep away from the Speaker in such circumstances.

MADAM SPEAKER: I am sure he has heard that advice.

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