Page 1068 - Week 05 - Tuesday, 23 June 1992

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MR BERRY: Mr Deputy Speaker, this of course is a complex issue, and it will get a concise answer which reflects the gravity of the situation as it may affect sports in the ACT as a result of what the Liberals intend to do with their GST tax, unless they change the ground rules again. As I have said, the 15 per cent tax will apply to travel, uniforms, tracksuits, affiliation fees to parent bodies - deny it - referee fees, coaching courses, auditors' fees. Even fundraising events such as chook and meat raffles would be affected by the Hewson money grab. Sadly, donations, prizes, scholarships and sponsorships would also be subject to the tax. Deny it. This will have the effect of reducing this avenue of assistance by 15 per cent.

Even the health aspects of sport will not escape the ravages of this tax - - -

Mr De Domenico: Cheaper cars, cheaper petrol.

Mr Connolly: Much cheaper Ferraris.

MR BERRY: Yes, that is right - much cheaper Ferraris. Medical fees, player insurance and work undertaken on behalf of the ACT Government by the Australian Sports and Drug Agency will be subject to the tax. This is how serious this matter is. Swimming lessons conducted by the Royal Life Saving Society will be subject to the tax, as will the heating costs of our swimming pools. How much extra will it cost to get into a swimming pool under the Liberals? It is still unclear whether the annual sports grants administered by my department will be free of the 15 per cent.

Mr De Domenico: They will have more money in their pocket, though. They will have jobs too. They do not have jobs now.

MR BERRY: My, you are agitated about this, and so you should be. Shame on you! Sports groups will have the additional cost of employing tax auditors to keep their books. Recipients under the ACT Government's unique sports loan subsidy scheme will have their grants diminished by 15 per cent overnight. Senator Baume has also made it very clear - - -

Mr Kaine: Mr Deputy Speaker, I raise a point of order. I almost pulled up Mr Connolly for this and I let it pass, but I think that Mr Berry really has to make his ministerial statements at the appropriate time. The appropriate time for that is not question time. If he wishes to make a ministerial statement on this issue - he has page after page of notes there - I suggest that he do it after question time when, in accordance with the standing orders of the Assembly, he is entitled to do it.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: Mr Berry, I uphold the point of order. Would you please bring your answer to a close. Also, if I could have fewer interjections from the Opposition we will get through this a lot faster.

MR BERRY: I regard this issue so seriously that I intend to raise the negative effects of this dreadful tax at the State and Territory Sports Ministers meeting in July.

Mr Kaine: You are petrified at what it is going to do to you at the next election, aren't you?

MR BERRY: I know what it is going to do to the people of the ACT. It will damage the sports industry in the ACT, and the Liberals should be ashamed of it.

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