Page 953 - Week 04 - Wednesday, 17 June 1992

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MR BERRY: The Labor Government. This is what Mr De Domenico says: "The Liberals call on Labor to give a proportionate amount to disabled athletes". That is what he says in criticising what the Labor Party has done. But Mr De Domenico does not check his figures. The target for the ACT Paralympics appeal was $20,000. Did you know that? Did you know that we gave them $5,000?

Mr De Domenico: Yes, I read it in the newspaper.

MR BERRY: Good. Have you worked out that that is 25 per cent of the target?

Mr De Domenico: Yes.

MR BERRY: That is good. Okay. Did you know that the target for the Olympics was about $100,000?

Mr De Domenico: I was on the committee, yes.

MR BERRY: That is good. You knew that the ACT Government gave $20,000?

Mr De Domenico: Yes, $20,000. I was there when you gave it.

MR BERRY: That is one-fifth, right? So 25 per cent is bigger than 20 per cent! So we gave more to the Paralympics. This is the sort of misinformation that the Liberals have peddled around. I can see why Trevor is laughing; it is because he now knows that he is in no danger from Tony De Domenico. He cannot add up, so he will never get the numbers right. Trevor, you are safe.

Mr De Domenico: Madam Speaker, under standing order 213, can Mr Berry please table the document he was obviously reading from? Documents, sorry; you were reading from the other ones too.

MR BERRY: Which one?

Mr De Domenico: Three pages; the book.


MADAM SPEAKER: Just hang on a minute. I want to double-check all of this. I got confused earlier in the day. Standing order 213, I think, Mr De Domenico, demands that you actually so move. It says:

A document quoted from by a Member may be ordered by the Assembly to be presented; the order may be made without notice immediately upon the conclusion of the speech of the Member who has quoted from the document.

Is that the one?

MR BERRY: It is your question time. You move it.

Mr De Domenico: I move, Madam Speaker, under standing order 213:

That the document quoted from by Mr Berry be presented.

Question resolved in the negative.

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