Page 928 - Week 04 - Wednesday, 17 June 1992

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Mr De Domenico: A 79 per cent credibility rating on ethics and truth.

MR BERRY: That will be falling, I think. She is also the president of the Pharmacy Guild and has an interest in improving the lot of pharmacy owners. Now, that to me - - -

Mrs Carnell: What about improving the lot of methadone addicts, Wayne? Get back on the subject.

MR BERRY: Do not worry about that. The Government will look after that issue. But we will not be seen to be in a position of conflict of interest involving a member of the Liberal Party. The Liberal Party is not concerned about those issues. It is easy to tell that Mr Kaine is not concerned about his colleagues, because he is prepared to see the whole of the Liberal Party embarrassed by the performance of one of his lacklustre colleagues. He said, "I grant you leave, Mr Berry, to get stuck into Mrs Carnell". "Go for it", he said, sitting there smiling. Then he gets up and complains. Too late, my friend. The horse has bolted.

Mr Kaine: No, your horse has bolted, and you are going to be hoist with your own petard in a minute.

MR BERRY: Win, lose or draw, Mr Kaine, it is an issue - - -

Mr Kaine: You reckon that you won the debate, do you, because you are going to go public on it - win, lose or draw? Is that your attitude?

MR BERRY: Win, lose or draw, Madam Speaker, the Liberals' credibility falls again. Unfortunately, I think the credibility of the Pharmacy Guild will be in question as well. If this motion is not carried, then the credibility of this Assembly will decline as well.

Question put:

That this Bill be discharged.

The Assembly voted -

AYES, 8  NOES, 9

Mr Berry Mrs Carnell
Mr Connolly Mr Cornwell
Ms Ellis Mr De Domenico
Ms Follett Mr Humphries
Mrs Grassby Mr Kaine
Mr Lamont Mr Moore
Ms McRae Mr Stevenson
Mr Wood Ms Szuty
 Mr Westende

Question so resolved in the negative.

Debate (on motion by Mr Berry) adjourned.

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