Page 874 - Week 04 - Tuesday, 16 June 1992

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Mr Moore: Would you have signed the cover?

MR LAMONT: Mr Moore raises an interesting point; maybe he only looked at the cover. Let us have a look at the substantive issues raised in Mr Westende's comments. It is not exactly as lengthy as Mr Westende's speech, but I happen to have a precis of the issues that Mr Westende raised.

There is an interesting point that I will start off with in relation to some advice which, I understand, did not come with the ACIL "With compliments" slip on it. This relates to the tactics which these people have been advised to use in detailing any response to this Bill. It states:

The Government is perhaps pushing the controversy on circuses to focus attention away from the more powerful consequences of this Bill ...

If David Lamont wants to get controversial over circuses, a minority group that only affects visiting groups, perhaps we should indicate to the public that people like David Lamont, the new-found animal Liberationist, would have people give up Budgies in cages and so on.

This was in an attempt to ridicule the arguments that we are putting forward. That is all we have heard in the last 20 minutes - an attempt to ridicule the quite proper provisions of this Bill, as reflected in this document.

Let me go on to address some of the substantive issues that Mr Westende raised. He talked about penalties. Mr Westende talked about - - -

Mr De Domenico: Madam Speaker, I take a point of order. Mr Lamont was reading at length from a document that he had there. Could he please table that document, or can I seek leave to have him table that document that he was reading from?

MR LAMONT: Madam Speaker, I have absolutely no difficulty in tabling this document.

Mr Kaine: They are just some scrubby old notes.

MR LAMONT: Not at all. Do you want this document tabled?

Mr De Domenico: The one that you were reading from.

MR LAMONT: You want this one?

Mr De Domenico: I do not know. Which one were you reading?

MR LAMONT: I am pleased to do so. May I have it back?

Mr De Domenico: No. That is why I want you to table it.

MR LAMONT: It will take only a short moment. Madam Speaker, I am able to - - -

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