Page 848 - Week 04 - Tuesday, 16 June 1992

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townhouse, cottage and courtyard blocks. It was provided to the Deputy Speaker for circulation on Friday, 12 June 1992, pursuant to the resolution of appointment. Madam Speaker, I move:

That the report be noted.

MADAM SPEAKER: I call Ms Szuty.

Ms Szuty: Thank you, Madam Speaker - - -

MR LAMONT: Madam Speaker, I - - -

MADAM SPEAKER: I am sorry, Ms Szuty; Mr Lamont has not finished.

Mr Kaine: He is a wordy chairman, Ms Szuty.

MR LAMONT: I have needed to be to ensure that we are able to come to speedy resolutions in the committee.

Madam Speaker, this report covers a range of variations. Again, as my colleague Mr Kaine has said, they were matters which had been under consideration for some time. It was through, I believe, the good intent of the participants on the committee that we were able to arrive at a conclusion on two of the three matters that were before us.

Madam Speaker, the one of major significance is the proposal for section 35, which in fact has significant heritage value attached to it. This block in Forrest is generally regarded as the old fire station area. Included on this block also are four houses that were used for accommodation for firefighters in the ACT when Forrest was the only fire station we had. Madam Speaker, as I have said, the fire station and those four buildings have a heritage listing, and the committee was concerned to ensure that any proposed development in this area would be sympathetic with the heritage value of the site. I believe, as does the committee, that the proposal that has been put forward most assuredly takes account of that.

Section 33 is an area adjacent to section 35. At the moment, I think, it contains the Forrest Lodge Motor Inn, the Manuka squash courts, and the now defunct, I think, Eastlake Football Club.

Mr Westende: Manuka Football Club.

Mr De Domenico: That is where the Transport Workers Union booze up during the day, when they are not driving buses, and when they are on strike.

MR LAMONT: I am sorry; the Manuka Football Club. The Eastlake Football Club is still a roaring success in the place where it always has been. I should remember it for that reason, Mr De Domenico, and I am now suitably chastened, you having drawn it to my attention, which is surprising.

Madam Speaker, development of that site allows, on three of the 11 blocks on that site, for three-level commercial development, but only on three of the blocks. The Planning Committee, in considering the draft variation, was mindful that we do not create an area that becomes another major business centre per se, but in fact retains the essential character of this area. I commend the proposal to the Assembly.

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