Page 1019 - Week 04 - Thursday, 18 June 1992

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MR BERRY: The former member I am referring to is now the president of the alternative council for sport in the ACT, appointed by Mr De Domenico, with all of his authority. He would be envious of the performance of the Labor Government in sport, in particular the consultation role in setting strategic directions for assisting the Government to meet its objectives in sport.

The Government is progressively implementing other recommendations of the report and expects to have a new organisational structure for the Office of Sport and Recreation in place shortly; so that will be another positive move. We have demonstrated our commitment to sport and recreation by supporting a range of other initiatives. I will go through these because some of them relate to the article. There was a 9.4 per cent increase in funding for sport and recreation in the 1991-92 budget, and I think that was received with broad acclaim.

Mr Kaine: Would you like to read the notice paper when you run out of other notes? I will lend you mine.

MR BERRY: That is fine. The issue was raised and it is an important one for sport, Mr Kaine. I think many of the allegations that were made in the article really need to be answered, and this is a grand opportunity to do so. I refer to funding for capital works. Of course, we did well in the Tuggeranong Valley. The hole is in the ground, despite some criticisms of the Government's performance by you, Mr De Domenico, in relation to that pool. Everything is going smoothly.

Mr De Domenico: Yes. But it was after my criticism that work started, Mr Berry; so it is nice.

MR BERRY: When your criticism was made, the fence was up and the site sheds were there, but they had not started the tractors. After you had made the criticism - - -

Mr Moore: I raise a point of order under standing order 118(a) and (b). Not only is Mr Berry's answer not concise; it also seeks to debate the matter at hand. This is not the first time this week that Mr Berry has been playing close to the line on this standing order, Madam Speaker.

Mr Lamont: In your opinion.

Mr Moore: In my opinion; and I draw your attention to it, Madam Speaker.

MADAM SPEAKER: Thank you, Mr Moore. I am sure Mr Berry has heeded the advice from you as well.

MR BERRY: Mr Moore did not ask the question, so he is obviously not interested in it. Mr De Domenico is sitting there transfixed. You are interested in all this information, are you not? There is some more. Indeed, the Government has been performing well. There have been delegations from individual sports on a range of matters. ACTSport have not been to my office for some time, but I think that reflects a general satisfaction with the Government's performance. I think we can take some heart from that.

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