Page 723 - Week 03 - Thursday, 21 May 1992

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agreed with me that you had made an error in your judgment. I have not sought to have you reverse your decision, but I think it may come to that in due course. I refer back to the Hansard of Tuesday, 19 May - - -

MADAM SPEAKER: I am sorry, Mr Kaine; this is not a personal explanation.

MR KAINE: Yes, it is. You have not heard me out yet.

MADAM SPEAKER: Mr Kaine, personal explanations must refer to matters pertaining to yourself.

MR KAINE: I am coming to that, Madam Speaker. I would like to quote from Hansard, if you would permit me to. Page 3 of Hansard for Tuesday, 19 May, records that Mr Berry stated:

... it relates to a level of disinformation and misinformation which has been created by the Liberals ...

Later on, when I questioned that statement you, Madam Speaker, said:

Mr Berry did not say that the Liberal Party is engaging in a program of misinformation.

In fact, he had said so only a matter of seconds before. I object to the Minister making this kind of assertion, which he does constantly. It reflects on my integrity and it reflects on the integrity of every other member of the Liberal Party. It is unfair; it is unreasonable; and, Madam Speaker, it is not a fact. For that reason I believe that it needs to be put on the record that the Minister is constantly making assertions that reflect on my integrity. That is just one of them.

I believe in this case, Madam Speaker, that you were in error when only a matter of minutes later you denied that what I had said in that connection was correct. In fact, I asked that he withdraw that statement, and you declined to rule and ask him to do so. So, I think that there is a question here. It is a question that is causing some members of this Assembly considerable concern. The fact that the Assembly has just refused Mrs Carnell the right to make a statement on the matter, I believe, is totally wrong. It reflects a certain - - -

Mr Connolly: On a point of order: Mr Kaine is reflecting on a vote of the house. The house has just voted not to grant Mrs Carnell the opportunity to make a statement, and he has said that he feels that that vote was completely wrong. That is a reflection on a vote of the house.

Mr Berry: A further point of order that you might like to add to your armoury is that he is also reflecting on the Chair.

MADAM SPEAKER: Yes, Mr Kaine. I ask you to withdraw the reflection on the vote in the Assembly, because that - - -

MR KAINE: Madam Speaker, I am not reflecting on the Chair. If there is any - - -

MADAM SPEAKER: Excuse me, Mr Kaine. I did not say - - -

MR KAINE: If there is any imputation that reflects on the Chair, I withdraw it.

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