Page 676 - Week 03 - Wednesday, 20 May 1992

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Kendon Industries is an ACT company that has been operating in this region since the 1960s. They manufacture shower screens and shower screen systems. They also have a very successful retail business. Kendon has proved its local success and importance as an ACT employer. There are currently 29 people employed, which is an increase of five employees over the last 12 months. Everything they manufacture is locally owned, produced and exported.

Kendon Industries have expanded their operation and now have 28 agents through Tasmania, Victoria, Queensland and New South Wales. Recently, Kendon have begun exporting to Singapore and they employ two staff and two consultants in their Singapore office. They currently have in excess of $1.5m worth of quoted work in Singapore alone. Kendon have begun negotiations to export to Hong Kong and currently have an agent working out of Hong Kong. Kendon Industries have also been in contact with Korea and are hoping that they will be successful in exporting to that country also. Last year Kendon participated for the first time in the South East Asian International Building Exposition, a vital involvement that has assisted the company with its Asian market. They have participated again this year.

Kendon Industries have shown that they are prepared to take the risks and have the confidence to expand into the overseas market. However, they have received invaluable help from both the Commonwealth and ACT Governments. Kendon has received assistance from the national industry extension service, a joint Commonwealth-ACT Government scheme which offers advice and assistance to companies that wish to break into the overseas market. The national industry extension service provides a variety of services to enterprises, including diagnostic assessment, business planning, total quality management, preparing an export plan, quality accreditation, the vendor qualification scheme, world competitive manufacturing and enterprise networks.

The ACT Government has provided Kendon Industries with appropriate financial assistance through NIES for the provision of a diagnostic assessment and report, and ongoing participation in the Australian Chamber of Manufactures Australian standards group of 10 quality accreditation program. The attainment of quality accreditation will provide Kendon with access to major purchasers and overseas contracts. The standard identifies the company as meeting Australian and worldwide standards. Austrade have also been of immense help in the advice and information that they have been able to offer. The ACT Chamber of Manufactures deserve a special mention as they have been willing to assist with networking and advice freely through their ACT exporters club.

Kendon Industries believe that the ACT is an excellent environment for business and industry. It is no longer necessary to be working out of the major industrial centres. In fact, Canberra is becoming physically closer to Sydney, as we all know, as Sydney expands, and it is therefore easier for Canberra businesses to have the contacts they need while existing outside that particular industrial centre.

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