Page 649 - Week 03 - Wednesday, 20 May 1992

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Mr Kaine: Caught with your hand in the till.

MR CONNOLLY: That is a very sensible decision making process.

Mr Lamont: I raise a point of order, Madam Speaker. I regard the imputation by the Leader of the Opposition as being totally inappropriate and unparliamentary. I ask that he withdraw it.

Mr Kaine: I would like to speak to that point of order, since Mr Lamont has raised it.

Mr Berry: You cannot debate the issue, Trevor. You either withdraw it - - -

Mr Kaine: Mr Connolly does not want to debate the issue. Mr Connolly wants to anticipate the recommendation of the committee, and I repeat a question that I asked - - -

MADAM SPEAKER: Excuse me, Mr Kaine. I believe that you are now debating the issue, and you do not have a motion before us.

Mr Kaine: I am debating the point of order, Madam Speaker.

MADAM SPEAKER: Excuse me. I do not think we actually debate points of order. We take them and rule on them, and then we take other points of order.

Mr Kaine: I believe that I am entitled to speak to the point of order taken by Mr Lamont.

MADAM SPEAKER: Without being rude to you, Mr Kaine, can I just point out something. The terms of reference to my committee of inquiry - - -

Mr Kaine: I am not talking about that, Madam Speaker; I am talking about Mr Lamont's point of order.

MADAM SPEAKER: Just a minute, please. The terms of reference direct us to look at the refurbishment of South Building. The terms of reference do not say, "Pick your favourite building" or "Look at alternative buildings". I ask all members to look at those terms of reference and remember them while they continue this debate.

Mr Kaine: On a point of order, Madam Speaker: Do I understand that you are prepared to debate this matter from the chair, but you will not allow me to debate it from down here? Is that the situation?

MADAM SPEAKER: Excuse me, Mr Kaine. I was not debating; I was pointing out - - -

Mr Kaine: Well, you just did. I beg your pardon.

MADAM SPEAKER: Excuse me. I believe that I was pointing out a legitimate matter of fact that I wanted to be sure people understood.

Mr Kaine: All right. May I now debate the matter, as you have already done so?

MADAM SPEAKER: Excuse me. I believe that you have a right to take a point of order. If you have a point of order, I will listen to it. If you do not have a point of order, I will not.

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