Page 566 - Week 03 - Tuesday, 19 May 1992

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lots of trainees taken in while I have had responsibility for the Fire Brigade we have had women trainees. Members who have been out to see some of those graduation groups may have noted that we are starting to see more women.

Mr Humphries: We had the first woman, did we not, in our administration?

MR CONNOLLY: You may have.

Mrs Grassby: No, she came in with me.

MR CONNOLLY: No matter who had the first, I am making sure that it is continuing and, more to the point, that we are always having more than one woman in a program. It is fairly apparent that when you have a training group for a non-traditional type of employment and you have only one woman it is very difficult for that person to get through the group. It really is much easier if there is some peer support. I think there are three women in the latest brigade course whose members are due to graduate fairly shortly. Members will be happy to hear that the women are doing as well in that program as any male, and better in some regards.

I can assure Mr Humphries, in relation to his specific point about the definition of "equal employment opportunity program", that there is no difference, although there is a difference in language. In relation to this question of what is "unjustified discrimination" there is simply no difference in language; there is uniformity throughout. Now that those points have been made and the quibble of Mr Kaine has been dealt with, we should all be pleased that this package of legislation is receiving bipartisan support, and that is a measure of the maturity of the Assembly.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Bills agreed to in principle.

Detail Stage

Bills, by leave, taken as a whole

MS SZUTY (8.12): I seek leave to move the amendments, which have been circulated in my name, together. The amendments are to the definition of "designated group" in each Bill.

Leave granted.

MS SZUTY: I move:

Milk Authority (Amendment) Bill, clause 5, page 3, line 21, proposed subsection 14B(10), (definition of "designated group", paragraph (c)), omit the paragraph, substitute the following paragraph: "(c) persons with physical or mental disabilities,".

A.C.T. Institute of Technical and Further Education (Amendment) Bill, clause 3, page 3, line 19, proposed subsection 19A(10) (definition of "designated group", paragraph (c)), omit the paragraph, substitute the following paragraph: "(c) persons with physical or mental disabilities,".

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