Page 547 - Week 03 - Tuesday, 19 May 1992

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committee, of the last sitting day in June, is unrealistic. To allow the committee adequate time to properly consider this issue, I therefore propose that the previous reference to the committee be amended to enable the committee to report out of session during the winter recess or, at the latest, by the first sitting day of the budget session.

Madam Speaker, the Government has commissioned an architect to develop possible options for the redesign or refurbishment of the South Building, and that work is proceeding. Officers of the Department of Urban Services are also working closely with my department, with senior ministerial staff and with the Clerk of the Assembly to develop a detailed brief of the facilities needed to enable the Assembly to function efficiently, and that information will form the basis of more detailed work by the architect.

The results of this inquiry will have a major impact on the Assembly's ability to function effectively in the future. It would be unfortunate to rush this work and jeopardise the quality of the results which can be achieved. There are significant savings to be achieved by the Assembly in moving from our present leased accommodation into a building owned by the Territory. Those savings will be maximised by ensuring that the design of the new premises is adequate to meet the Assembly's requirements for the foreseeable future and avoiding the necessity to move again.

Madam Speaker, it is important not only that adequate design investigations take place but also that the committee have adequate time in which to consider the information against the submissions that we will receive from other sources. I therefore commend the motion to the Assembly.

MR KAINE (Leader of the Opposition) (3.49): Madam Speaker, I must say that I am quite equivocal about the amendment to the terms of reference now being put forward by the Chief Minister. I would remind members that the original program was put forward by the Chief Minister. She must have known at that time what the capabilities of the Government were to meet its own timetable.

Ms Follett: I thought it was optimistic.

MR KAINE: Well, it was optimistic. Now we are informed, quite incidentally, I must say, that despite the fact that the committee has not yet reported on this referral the Chief Minister has already engaged an architect to do work on the South Building. I thought part of the inquiry was to determine which building we should move to. No report has yet been submitted by the committee, but the Chief Minister has anticipated the outcome of the inquiry and is spending money on an architect to look at the South Building.

What happens, Madam Speaker? Dare I suggest that the committee might come up with another recommendation? How is it that the Government is so anxious to move into the South Building when at the same time it has asked the Assembly committee to report on the matter? It seems to me that the Chief Minister and the Government have not the faintest idea what they want. However, they do not mind spending a bit of money in anticipation of a certain expected outcome.

I am quite ambivalent, as I say. However, Madam Speaker, if the committee cannot report by the date that was originally set, there is no point in insisting that it do so. It is going to be totally unproductive. I can only conclude that the

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