Page 515 - Week 02 - Thursday, 14 May 1992

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potential for veto in issues such as part-time work and changed work patterns (a clear responsibility of management), union vetoes over office moves, the periodic rat-baggery of health, schooling and transport unions etc. As background reading - and a cause for sober reflection - I attach a recent speech given in Melbourne by New Zealands leading businessman on the impact to date of the Employment Contracts Act. That shows what could be done here - especially in Canberra.

5 Marketing considerations

The above are merely a dozen or so examples of policy-related issues which the Liberal party could take up to demonstrate the differences between it and Labor. There must be dozens more. To pursue them effectively would require a different approach than in the past. In particular, spore research before going public, the preparation of discussion papers as a basis for a more pro-active media stance, the co-ordinated use of appropriate MLAs, the involvement of business and community groups and individuals, and so on.

I'm sure it can be done and the very fact of a new approach can itself be a marketing plus, provided the delivery is consistently achieved. Once one early success is achieved, the next will be easier; the media will acknowledge performance despite any innate scepticism it may have. Identify those who if not actually favourably disposed to the party, are prepared to take matters on their merits.

Obviously, a marketing strategy will also have to be developed and integrated into the research program. A planned sequence of activities by all your colleagues will be necessary.

Do the existing members all have media training? A number give the impression of not being at all comfortable with the media or knowing how to turn it to advantage. Remember Sir Jos adage of feeding the checks and note Bob Carrs very effective use of the media (especially for a person without much charisma).


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