Page 496 - Week 02 - Thursday, 14 May 1992

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MR HUMPHRIES: The Chief Minister interjects, "Offensive words". I would suggest that offensive words are words one would not utter in the presence of - - -

Ms Follett: Storm-trooper?

MR HUMPHRIES: The word "storm-trooper" is not offensive, as such. It is a perfectly acceptable word. It depends on the context and application of the word. If I were to call Hitler's armies marching across Europe storm-troopers, there is nothing offensive about that. If I were to use some four letter words, they certainly would be offensive in this place and you would certainly ask me to withdraw them. That is what "offensive words" means, in my view. We have seen strong language used about people outside this chamber. I think of a particular bishop, for example, who has been at the receiving end of some of that.

We have to work out just what stance we want to apply to that. I hope, Madam Speaker, that that will be done in due course, through a process of working it out rather than through taking points of order in a way which is difficult to rule on in a very short period. I note also, Madam Speaker, that there was an altercation about certain words that Mr Berry used with respect to Mrs Carnell on Tuesday, and you said that you would advise the Assembly the day after, Wednesday.

MADAM SPEAKER: No, that is not true. I said that I would do so after I had had a chance to read the Hansard, and I have not yet, Mr Humphries.

MR HUMPHRIES: I beg to differ, Madam Speaker; but the Hansard may show me to be wrong, in which case I will happily withdraw that.

MADAM SPEAKER: Fine. I will pursue that one then.

MR HUMPHRIES: I do hope that we will see some work on that one, because I think it is a matter of some concern to members on this side of the house.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Assembly adjourned at 4.38 pm until
Tuesday, 19 May 1992, at 2.30 pm

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