Page 396 - Week 02 - Wednesday, 13 May 1992

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Mr Humphries: Does it not tell you there how much it was?

MR BERRY: When you are capable of being a sports Minister you can answer the questions. You can even ask some if you can think of something bright to say, but so far you have not managed to do so. Just sit there quietly and listen to what I have to say. You will be given some good information, some of which will drive you bonkers.

One of the most interesting things from a report which was tabled this morning, the ACIL report, comes under the heading "Racing Industry". For those who do not know, ACIL is ACIL Australia Pty Ltd. They are consultants to industry, commerce and government, and to political parties, it seems, and the Liberal Party in particular. This is a paper to the Liberal Party. This is talking about a report which is being prepared for the racing Ministers of Australia, a report that is owned by the racing Ministers of Australia. It is not owned by ACIL; it is not owned by the Liberal Party. The ACIL report, under the heading "Racing Industry", says:

We are shortly to complete a major study on the racing industry.

I would have thought that that information itself would have been in confidence - what they were supposed to be doing. It goes on to say:

(gallops, trots and dogs) for State and Territory Racing Ministers.

They admit that they are doing it for State and Territory racing Ministers. They continue:

It will be the most comprehensive of its type ever undertaken in Australia. Apart from measuring the size and importance of the industry and its linkages to the rest of the economy, the exercise has given us insights into the way racing operates and is controlled. It is not a happy picture.

This is the mob who are supposed to be reporting, I suspect in confidence, to the racing Ministers of Australia. They are now passing opinions on a report that they are preparing for those Ministers. "It is not a happy picture", they say, expressing a view. They continue:

Even in Canberra there are plenty of examples of waste, lack of competition, and power plays which are not in the interests of patrons or taxpayers.

They go on to say:

At the appropriate time, we would be happy to provide you with a briefing.

They have done pretty well so far; they have given the Liberal Party a mini-briefing, if you like, on a report on the racing industry that they are doing for the racing Ministers. They have given it to the Liberal Party instead of reporting it to the racing Ministers first.

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