Page 313 - Week 02 - Tuesday, 12 May 1992

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Bush Fire Council to be called was at the direction of the Minister for Urban Services.

Because the meeting took some time to arrange the Bush Fire Councils representative could not be appointed.. Statutory appointees and the Deputy Chairperson (designate) of the Bush Fire Council Mr S Sanderson were present at the Steering Committee meetings to present the rural. perspective.

As part of their initial study, the Hannan Group conducted more than 200 interviews involving representatives from all of the stakeholder groups including the Bush Fire Council. They also met with the Trades and Labour Council, the individual unions that represent the various groups of workers and the Volunteer Associations.

Further to this, to ensure that everybody concerned had the opportunity to express their views and have them considered, Pardon Associates were engaged to conduct a series of 7 workshops and again, all stakeholders were represented at one or more of the workshops.

I also understand that groups with special interests such as the Bush Fire Council are making their own submissions to me on the matter.

I am confident that the public consultation process has been very thorough and comprehensive.


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