Page 310 - Week 02 - Tuesday, 12 May 1992

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of the council is to establish and maintain a consistent national approach to the regulation of nursing within Australia, and to ensure that the community is adequately provided with nursing care of the highest standards. It will also eventually facilitate the mutual recognition of nursing qualifications across States and Territories.

The Australian Nursing Council steering committee has developed a constitution, a corporate plan, an organisational structure and a draft budget for the establishment and operation of the council, which will be based in the ACT. Issues relating to the provision of funding for the establishment and ongoing operation of the council are still being resolved. However, they are anxious to establish this national initiative as soon as possible.

The ACT Government fully supports the proposal to establish the Australian Nursing Council in the near future and looks forward to further developments in resolving outstanding issues. International Nurses Day gives the ACT Government the opportunity to congratulate ACT nurses on the contribution to the Australian Nursing Council proposal. I wish them well in this endeavour and with their more local vision of continuing to deliver the best possible nursing care to the Canberra community.

May I also, Madam Speaker, wish the Australian Nursing Federation all the best in their representation of the industrial issues of nurses. Much has changed since Florence Nightingale and I think that the Australian nurses union should take much of the credit for the improvements in industrial conditions for nurses across the country. I ask the Assembly to support ACT nursing over the coming year.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Assembly adjourned at 10.37 pm

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