Page 291 - Week 02 - Tuesday, 12 May 1992

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I presume, Madam Speaker, that "zilch" is not an unparliamentary word. The Business Council suggested in their submission that the Government should support a "buy ACT products and services" campaign wherever possible. What has the Government done about that? Zilch.

Debate interrupted.


MADAM SPEAKER: Order! It being 9.30 pm, I propose the question:

That the Assembly do now adjourn.

Mr Berry: I require the question to be put forthwith without debate.

Question resolved in the negative.

Ministerial Statement and Paper

Debate resumed.

MR WESTENDE: The Canberra Business Council referred to many other areas of bad management and waste, such as overexpenditure on preschool education when compared with the rest of Australia. Of course, the one issue that will haunt the Government until it takes a commonsense approach is the overfunding of ACTION. In its reference to areas of waste and inefficiencies of overfunding, the Canberra Business Council quite rightly asked:

Does it lead to better provision of services and are the people who receive those services prepared to pay for them and if not is it fair that this burden should fall on the wider community?

This particularly applies to ACTION buses. This Government has to get together with the rest of the community and take some action on ACTION.

Turning to a further area, Madam Speaker, does it not strike you as ridiculous that on one hand employers are charged payroll tax for employing people, yet on the other hand the Government extends its commitment to the Jobskills program by a further 100 places within the private sector? Is this a matter of robbing Peter to pay Paul? The members on the opposite side are full of rhetoric, but which one of them has ever provided a job for anybody in this town? I might say that I have some experience of providing jobs for people in this town.

Mr De Domenico: How many jobs?


Mr Lamont: And knocking off their superannuation payments.

Mr Kaine: I take a point of order, Madam Speaker. That comment from Mr Lamont was quite uncalled for and it should be withdrawn.

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