Page 269 - Week 02 - Tuesday, 12 May 1992

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Mr Wood: It is a medical condition!

MR CORNWELL: Yes, and I am sure that splints will help! In view of our little exchange here, I think it is germane to quote what Virginia Chadwick said:

For too long we have ducked this question in New South Wales -

and, I put it to you, that we have in the ACT as well -

and it is about time that we faced up to this.

We have passed the problem on from primary school to high school, knowing in our heart of hearts that those kids -

and I presume that she is referring, obviously, to those who cannot manage -

can't cope.

It was devastating for adolescents' self-esteem if they continued to fail throughout their high school.

I repeat that I do not believe that the situation in the ACT is as bad as some people may like to claim, but I would like to see the matter put to the test. I am concerned that the Labor Government appears quite determined never to do that because their own - - -

Mr Wood: We test it all the time.

MR CORNWELL: No, you do not. Your policy, Mr Wood, indicates that you are not going to do skills testing in literacy and numeracy. Therefore, you are not really going to put it to the test that we on this side of the house believe is the only sure one. This, I think, is a problem and an area that has not been addressed by your Chief Minister in supporting the MPI that was put forward by Ms Szuty. I hope that this committee will address that end of the pipeline to the same extent as it would address the other end.

Mr Lamont: Do you want to bring back the cane to make them learn a bit more quickly?

MR CORNWELL: I do not really know that I can answer that absurd interjection from Mr Lamont. I would hope that the committee would address this question in as much detail as the Chief Minister would have them address the various plans and procedures which she has put forward and which, I would remind members, as far as I am aware, have not created one job so far.

MS ELLIS (8.09): We recognise that today is a national day of action on unemployment. It involves visits by peak church and welfare organisations to Federal MPs and senators. This is an important action and, although it is targeting the Federal Government, I am very pleased to have the opportunity to discuss employment issues here today. In the context of youth unemployment, I was interested to read in the Canberra Times today that it is getting harder and harder to get into the public service. This affects young people more than any other group. The Canberra Times stated:

... the bottom two ranks, the ASO-1 and ASO-2, were a dying breed.

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