Page 253 - Week 02 - Tuesday, 12 May 1992

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Madam Speaker, I believe that the extension of the heavy vehicles scheme to cover light vehicles is a further important area of micro-economic reform, about which we have heard so much, which will lead to increased efficiencies and overcome problems arising from the current system of varying regulations across Australia. Together with other jurisdictions, we can gain real benefits from these reforms.

The proposed approach provides a further opportunity for us to make a unique contribution to the reform process by agreeing to the legislative implementation of the light vehicles scheme in the manner that I have described today. I therefore should like to move the motion that has been circulated in my name. I think members have a copy of it. I formally move:

That the Assembly -

(1) Notes:

(a) that on 6 August 1991 the Assembly consented to the Commonwealth making a law, referred to as the Commonwealth Road Transport Legislation, for the Australian Capital Territory that is necessary to give effect to an Agreement ("the Heavy Vehicles Agreement") dated 30 July 1991 between the Commonwealth, the States and the Australian Capital Territory relating to the establishment of a co-operative scheme to improve road safety and transport efficiency and reduce the cost of administration of road transport;

(b) that the Heavy Vehicles Agreement related to vehicles having a manufacturer's rated gross vehicle mass of more than 4.5 tonnes;

(c) that as part of the co-operative scheme the Commonwealth Parliament enacted the National Road Transport Commission Act 1991 which amongst other things established the National Road Transport Commission ("the Commission") which is charged with preparing the Commonwealth Road Transport Legislation;

(d) that at the Heads of Government Meeting on 11 May 1992 the Chief Minister, on behalf of the Australian Capital Territory, agreed with leaders and other representatives to an extension of the role of the Commission to enable it to develop Commonwealth Light Vehicle Transport Legislation which will provide for the regulation of all road users other than those affected by the Commonwealth Road Transport Legislation; and

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