Page 46 - Week 01 - Tuesday, 7 April 1992

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Madam Speaker, we will introduce de facto relationship legislation modelled on the experience of other States to provide greater protection to partners and children of de facto relationships. The Government will encourage simpler court rules and plain English drafting in an effort to improve the access of all people to the law.

This Government believes that all people in the community have a fundamental right to secure and affordable accommodation. Public housing plays a crucial role in our community, and affordable, high-quality public accommodation will remain a major priority for this Government. We will maintain a high level of public housing construction in an effort to reduce waiting lists and to stimulate employment in the construction industry.

Madam Speaker, the Government is committed to encouraging full participation in the life of our community, regardless of gender, cultural background or age. We will examine the operation of the human rights law and extend its provisions. We will act to increase the number of child-care places available in our community. Funding will be provided for a halfway house to provide a secure environment for the rehabilitation of women recovering from drug and alcohol dependency. We will provide a community house in South Tuggeranong and help establish extra neighbourhood groups to bring together women at home.

The Government will also pay special attention to the needs of youth, most importantly by seeking to create jobs. The preparation of a youth budget paper will focus attention on the way in which government programs affect young people, and we will examine youth programs to close gaps and improve outcomes.

I repeat the commitment that I have given to implement the referendum decision on a new ACT electoral system. The development of the detailed proposals for a completely new system will obviously require substantial work, and, Madam Speaker, the Government will give this a high priority.

In concluding this outline of our program, I will table the Government's legislation program for the 1992 autumn sittings. The legislation program provides members with an idea of the Bills intended for introduction into the Assembly or for preparation during the autumn sittings of the Assembly. The program is an indication of our legislative agenda. By its nature, the program must be dynamic to accommodate emerging issues and changing priorities. This means that proposals may be added or removed at any time. Similarly, the priority they are given may also be subject to change.

The Government intends to introduce as many Bills in the first priority category as possible within these autumn sittings. It is possible that some proposals falling into the second and third priority categories may be introduced during the current sittings, but this will depend on progress with the issues involved and the degree of drafting complexity. Madam Speaker, making the Government's legislative program available is basic to our commitment to open and accountable government. It begins the task of implementing Labor's election commitments. It provides evidence that we are seeking to implement a clear and predictable agenda. It is Labor's first step along the path to making Canberra a better place in which to live.

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