Page 22 - Week 01 - Friday, 27 March 1992

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MR MOORE (10.42): Madam Speaker, it seems to me that membership of committees is a very important part of the life of this Assembly. I am very disappointed that Mr Stevenson has decided that he will not contribute in this way. I feel that there is a major contribution to be made by all members who are not already involved, such as you in your position, Madam Speaker, or Ministers, as far as the committees go. It is important to note that the most positive aspect of the First Assembly was generally recognised to have been the work done by the committees over the three years. I think this is an opportunity for members to work together and to try to work in a cooperative way in the best interests of Canberra.

For that reason, Madam Speaker, while Mr Stevenson feels that it is inappropriate for him to stand on these committees, I am prepared to move amendments, for which I have the agreement of Mr Stevenson, to delete Mr Stevenson's name from No. (1) and No. (4), as indicated in Mr Berry's motion. My amendments then indicate that I will replace Mr Stevenson. I move:

1. Paragraph (1), omit "Mr Stevenson", substitute "Mr Moore".

2. Paragraph (4), omit "Mr Stevenson", substitute "Mr Moore".

Mr De Domenico: No deals will be done, though.

MR MOORE: Quite clearly, it is in order for me to do that. There have not been any particular deals done. I would be absolutely delighted should anybody else put their name up to do that. As part of the negotiations that went on prior to this Assembly between me, Helen Szuty, the Liberal Party and the Labor Party, there were negotiations to establish these committees. You do not get to a result like this without negotiations. If you want to interpret that as deals being done, then use the words; that is fine. It does not worry me greatly. What we have had, as I perceive it, is a very positive and cooperative approach to how the committees should operate.

I am disappointed that Mr Stevenson has not been prepared to go onto the committees. When you look at the commitment of time that will be made by Helen Szuty and me to these committees, it is extraordinary; it will require an extraordinary amount of time. We made a commitment to the electorate that we would do what we could to strengthen those committees. I think that we will see a very appropriate set of committees. When I look at the names of the people who are standing on these committees, I think that there will be an even more positive contribution made to this Assembly and to the people of Canberra through these committees.

Therefore, I commend my amendments to members. They will delete Mr Stevenson's name from the Standing Committee on Public Accounts and replace it with mine; and, similarly, delete Mr Stevenson's name from the Standing Committee on Legal Affairs, to which I will then be appointed.

MR KAINE (Leader of the Opposition) (10.45): Madam Speaker, since the membership of the Public Accounts Committee, in particular, is now in question, I move as an amendment to Mr Moore's amendments:

Amendment No. 1, omit "Mr Moore", substitute "Mrs Carnell".

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