Page 148 - Week 01 - Thursday, 9 April 1992

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I propose two minor amendments to the motion, however. The first is that the Leader of the Opposition be recognised in subparagraph (1)(a)(iii) as well as the Speaker and the Executive, and in subparagraph (1)(d) I think that special mention should be made of the provision of adequate parking.

One of the problems at the moment is that not all staff members have parking available to them. Even for those to whom it is available, some spaces are located in a building remote from this one. I discussed this matter with you, Madam Speaker, so you know what I am talking about. I think it is unreasonable that women staff members should be expected to go to remote locations late at night, after this Assembly has adjourned, to find their car in a car parking space three levels down which is often dark, the lights having been turned off. I think it is unsafe and unacceptable. If we are going to convert the South Building into a suitable home for the Legislative Assembly for the future, then, clearly, adequate provision not only for members but also for staff must be provided.

With those two amendments - they have been circulated - I endorse Ms Follett's motion.

MADAM SPEAKER: Mr Kaine, are you seeking leave to move those amendments together?


Leave granted.

MR KAINE: I move the following amendments:

(a) Subparagraph (1)(a)(iii), after "the Executive" (twice appearing), insert "the Leader of the Opposition".

(b) Subparagraph (1)(d), after "matters", insert "including adequate parking accommodation for all Members and staff".

MR MOORE (11.32): Madam Speaker, I believe that it is appropriate for me to speak to both the motion and the amendments at this point, so that is what I will do. I think it is an appropriate reference to the Standing Committee on Administration and Procedures. I think it is a matter of great importance in establishing how the Assembly is going to operate in due time.

I have always felt that it is entirely inappropriate that we are in premises that we rent, not only from the financial point of view but also from the point of view of recognising that a parliament ought not be subjected to somebody else's decision as to whether or not it actually exists in the building in which it is operating. That is not the appropriate way to go.

The amendments put by Mr Kaine are interesting. I understand the importance of what he is raising; they are matters that are appropriately added to the motion. I think the Administration and Procedures Committee would have taken them into consideration anyway, judging by the people who are on it. If other members feel that there is another issue that we have missed - I notice that the location of Independent members is not mentioned, and I have no intention of adding that - - -

Mr Cornwell: It is only a temporary arrangement, Michael.

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