Page 112 - Week 01 - Wednesday, 8 April 1992

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osteoporosis. This is a quite different picture from what the Liberals tried to paint, what Mrs Carnell tried to paint in recent news releases. She tried to paint a picture that there was absolute and uncaring Labor government. That will never be the case.

The ACT Women's Health Service and the ACT Women's Health Advancement Service offer services that provide information on prevention of osteoporosis. Did you say that? No, you did not say that. These are mostly done through menopause courses, workshops and information sessions. There was eloquent silence from Mrs Carnell on these issues. The Health Advancement Service also provides health assessment and lifestyle counselling to clients that, once again, includes information on calcium rich foods and how to prevent osteoporosis developing. She did not tell us that either. Scaremongering, Madam Speaker - scaremongering in the extreme.

Another initiative funded jointly by the Commonwealth and the ACT was the production of the Menopause Book, an information book on preparing and coping with menopause. Mrs Carnell did not mention that. Included was detailed discussion of osteoporosis, its prevention and proper diet.

Mr De Domenico: What has menopause got to do with osteoporosis?

MR BERRY: I am glad that he is not your health spokesperson. Mr De Domenico says, "What has menopause got to do with osteoporosis?". It is a good thing that he is not the opposition health spokesperson. The book was widely distributed in the ACT and was so popular that another print run is planned. So, we are doing things. We are on the job.

Mrs Carnell's claim that the densitometry services or bone density measurement should be made available and able to be claimed on Medicare are way off beam. She does not understand the issues, and she never puts all the facts on the table. She ignores the facts in most of her press scaremongering. Firstly, the Opposition is focusing on diagnosing osteoporosis through densitometry - - -

Mr Kaine: I raise a point of order, Madam Speaker. I request that you have a look at standing order 118, which does not prescribe four-page written responses to dorothy dix questions.

MADAM SPEAKER: It does prescribe that the answer shall be concise and confined to the subject matter. I think Mr Berry is on the subject matter. I think Mr Berry will be finishing his answer soon.

MR BERRY: It is a very important issue and men would not be concerned about this, and they would want to cut my answer short. They would want to cut it short, would they not, Mr De Domenico? This is an important issue and it requires a full explanation. Firstly, the Opposition is focusing on diagnosing osteoporosis through densitometry and ignoring the important issues of prevention and appropriate management - issues the ACT Labor Government has taken on board. Secondly, independent advice to the Federal Government - - -

Mr Kaine: Have you another two pages to go yet?

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