Page 6421 - Week 19 - Tuesday, 17 December 1991

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In relation to hospital costs


The Board of Health make the achievement of more efficient staff/patient ratios its primary focus in reducing the overall costs of, the health system. The Committee considers this should take priority over bed reductions. (5.40) the Government compile the relevant information on the

case-mix of NSW patients treated in ACT hospitals with a view to seeking compensatory funding in the next Grants commission investigation of ACT financing. (8.9)


Bed reductions have never been a priority for this Government nor for the Board of Health. The Board of Health has taken a variety of actions aimed at reducing unit costs and will continue to pursue these vigorously.

The Government notes with regret that the previous governments presentation to the Grants Commission inquiry may have failed to fully take up the issue of compensation to the ACT for interstate patients. I can assure the Assembly that the development of case-mix systems is being undertaken to ensure that not only is our own information base enhanced but that the ACT is best able to demonstrate the true costs of interstate patients to the ACT health budget.

In relation to the new facilities


The Government reopen tenders for additional private hospital facilities in the ACT, preferably to be located adjacent to an existing public hospital. Further the Committee recommends that the bed capacity of such a private hospital be not less than 100. (6.22) the Government, as a matter of priority, pursue negotiations leading to the establishment of a clinical school in the principal hospital. (10.10) the Government examine, as a matter of priority, the provision of suitable facilities forconvalescent/rehabilitation patients - possible at Acton Peninsula. (4.38) the building of a hospice proceed as a matter of urgency.



The true reason for this report is revealed in the way in which the issue of a private hospital is dealt. In spite of evidence to the Committee that there are unused private beds in the ACT, that there is little interest in NSW in constructing private beds at this time, that what interest there is in the not-for-profit sector, the Committee recommends that the Government reopen tenders for another private hospital. This time it is to be located adjacent to an existing public hospital - not beside a lake. This recommendation flies in the face of all economic and health planning advice and ignores the fact that such a private hospital would force ACT residents into expensive private hospital insurance.

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