Page 6396 - Week 19 - Tuesday, 17 December 1991

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2. Change of days on which rent is debited and length of debit period

With the introduction of the new computer, the commencement of the rent debiting period changed from Wednesday to Sunday. Rent is also now displayed on accounts as a weekly rather than a fortnightly debit.

A letter advising tenants of the new computer system was sent to all tenants in mid October. This advised them of the introduction of the weekly accounting period.

The change of the day on which rent debiting occurs is an internal accounting alteration and does not affect the day on which tenants should pay their rent each fortnight . This remains Wednesday. A notice explaining this matter will be placed in the next issue of the Tenants Newsletter which will be available during the week ending 20 December 1991.

3. Additional three days rent

The changed day for the commencement of the rent debit period (from Wednesday to Sunday) did not add three days rent to their accounts. Where accounts were already in arrears, this additional debit could have breached the threshold at which the computer would begin the arrears recovery cycle.

A revised threshold is being programmed to allow for the three days rent to be taken into account in the commencement of the arrears cycle. This will be completed by mid January 1992. In the meantime processing of arrears recovery has been temporarily halted. The backlog will be caught up when processing is recommenced.

Tenants paying by salary deduction have also been temporarily removed from the systems arrears recovery cycle. This will prevent the wrongful issue of letters white appropriate recovery action is taken manually.

The Trust is maintaining an on-going process of monitoring the operation of the system and correcting problems as they arise

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