Page 6283 - Week 19 - Tuesday, 17 December 1991

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I would also like to mention our first Clerk, Mr Don Piper. Mr Piper, of course, was very instrumental in establishing this Assembly, in drawing up the standing orders and in helping us all to actually get the Assembly under way. He was dealing with the newest Australian parliament, so I have no doubt that he enjoyed the task. I know that Mr Piper was awarded the Public Service Medal for the work that he did - a very much deserved award.

Of course, I would also like to mention our current Clerk, who performs with great distinction. I believe that all of the members very much admire Mr McRae's patience, his tolerance and his generosity with advice.

All of the members of the Assembly secretariat, the attendants and the committee secretariat deserve our thanks, and I am pleased that most members have thanked them for that. Without the work and the long hours that those people put into the Assembly, it simply would not be possible for us to operate. That, of course, goes for not just the attendants but also the security personnel, who are there at the moment as well. They do a very good job and do it with enormous grace.

I would like to thank my Labor colleagues for their support and their loyalty throughout our period in the Assembly, whether in government or in opposition. We have been, I think, unique in enjoying exceptional unity in our team, and I know that that will continue; and I should say that it makes my task a great deal easier than it would otherwise be. It is a privilege to lead such a team.

Our personal staff have put in extraordinary hours and an extraordinary effort. A lot of them have been with us since day one, so they have seen all of the vicissitudes of this First Assembly. They have weathered the storms and they have done it wonderfully. They have been an incredible support to all of us, and I would like to pay tribute to them.

Mr Speaker, politics is a hard game. I am not going to wish good luck to anyone except my four Labor colleagues and our other candidates, but I certainly do wish everybody in the Assembly a very happy Christmas. I hope that you have a good rest and I hope that, whatever next year brings, you will be able to enjoy it and find it fulfilling.

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