Page 6268 - Week 19 - Tuesday, 17 December 1991

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MR COLLAERY (7.11), in reply: Mr Speaker, when I introduced this Bill I referred to the employment aspects - - -

Mr Connolly: Does anyone else want to speak, Bernard?

Mrs Grassby: Does anybody else want to speak?

MR SPEAKER: Order! Mrs Grassby and Mr Connolly, do you mind!

MR COLLAERY: Thank you. I hope that this debate can pass with a constructive commentary on this Bill. Firstly, Mr Speaker, the Bill was prepared following an advice, I can say, received from one of the most eminent advisers on this subject, a person who has written on more than one occasion, to my knowledge, as a correspondent on the subject in the Canberra Times. I am not going to give - - -

Ms Follett: Was it Matt Abraham?

Mr Kaine: It was not Richard Farmer.

Mr Stevenson: I was feeling confident till then.

MR COLLAERY: Okay. Mr Speaker, this eminent national firm of accountants that advises governments and currently advises the ACT Government - the current ACT Government, in fact - prepared for all members of this Assembly a detailed submission. All members should have it. I have asked Mr Stevenson, and he has it and various other members have it.

Mr Berry: Who are they acting on behalf of?

MR COLLAERY: You have taken a lot of mickey out of me and it has been very personal. I was hoping that we could finish the day without that. You can do what you are doing.

Mr Moore: Oh, poor Bernard!

MR COLLAERY: I am capable of laughing at myself and I will join with you. The fact is that I took extreme steps to make sure that we prepared a competent series of amendments to deal with these anomalies. I will read to you the introduction to the brief prepared by this eminent firm:

The Act -

the one that we are looking at -

is based on self assessment -

of course, that answers Mr Connolly's rhetoric earlier about review -

therefore the onus is on taxpayers to determine their liability to payroll tax.

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