Page 6260 - Week 19 - Tuesday, 17 December 1991

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he indicate to me that he had changed his view and would now support my position on this matter. But that does not affect my position and it does not affect the position of the Liberals that the law was always wrong and that it should have been changed in 1989 and it should have been changed ever since. If in the last 2 years any sentiment had been expressed in this Assembly in support of changing it, we would have attempted to do so.

But on 17 December 1991 Mr Collaery, presumably based on good advice that he has received, comprehensive advice that he has received, and documented opinion, now seeks to rectify his omissions of 2 years. I am in duty bound, because of my conviction on this matter, to support him. I can only say that it is a pity that he did not do it a long time ago.

I do not accept that this Bill is aimed at helping tax evaders; I do not accept that at all. There are legitimate businessmen who believe that for 2 years they have been subjected to payroll tax impositions that they should not have to pay, and I think that there is some validity to that. If Mr Collaery's amendment - and I have not had time to check it; I have to take his assurance on this - reflects the advice that I have had, and I would wait for him to assure me that it does, then - - -

Mrs Grassby: You are going to vote on something you are not sure about. For God's sake, Trevor!

Mr Connolly: This is too important to mess around with.

MR KAINE: You have taken a particular view on this matter, and the Chief Minister and Treasurer used some very strong language in describing your ideological position in connection with it and talked about tax cheats and tax evaders. I do not see people who seek to be taxed reasonably as tax cheats. I do not accept the description that the Chief Minister and Treasurer used.

Unless somebody can convince me that these provisions that Mr Collaery is putting forward are unreasonable - and the Chief Minister calling people tax cheats does not demonstrate to me that they are unreasonable - then I must say that I will support Mr Collaery's amendments, even though I accept - - -

Mrs Grassby: You do not know what it is, Trevor.

MR KAINE: The little voice up the back still keeps chirping away. It is not going to stop me speaking, though. We have to deal with this sensibly. I am concerned that it has not been done before. Had it been put forward before, it would have had my support in principle. I am not going to back away from that now.

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