Page 6252 - Week 19 - Tuesday, 17 December 1991

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MR MOORE: I have a single piece of paper in front of me and Mr Collaery tells me that I have already voted in support of it. We do not have an appropriate piece of paper in front of us, and we are being asked to trust a combination of Mr Collaery and Mr Connolly. I feel half inclined to go one way. It really is an entirely inappropriate circumstance.

Obviously, there has been some intention to do this for some time. Had we been told, I would have had enough time to go upstairs, find my copy of the Crimes (Amendment) Bill (No. 5) and clarify what the situation is. But this is an entirely unsatisfactory piece of work, and I am not inclined to support anything that is going on in this fashion. I understand that we were going to proceed with No. 13 and No. 14 on the daily program. I would be happy to have a bit of time to have this explained to me and come back to this after No. 14.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Moore, the Bill has just been placed on your table.

MR MOORE: Thank you. The situation is improving.

MR KAINE (6.34): Mr Speaker, I remember the debate and the circumstances of the debate intimately, and I recall that there was some confusion. It would be nice if I had the Bill in front of me, but I remember it quite clearly. I accept the fact that an amendment is necessary. Mr Collaery and Mr Connolly have reached a proper agreement as to how to process it, and I support the amendment.

MR DUBY (6.25): Mr Speaker - - -

Mr Kaine: You remember it intimately too, do you?

MR DUBY: Not only do I remember it intimately, Mr Kaine; but, if members check the Hansard of the time, they will remember that I advised them of this problem.

MR MOORE (6.25): I now have the papers in front of me. I recall the situation and I recall the problem, so I am delighted to have the opportunity to support what Mr Collaery is trying to do.

Clauses agreed to.

Clause 3

MR COLLAERY (6.25), by leave: I move:

Page 2, line 1, omit "who is of or above the age of 14 years".

Page 2, line 10, after "identification", insert ", including fingerprints, handprints or photographs".

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