Page 6231 - Week 19 - Tuesday, 17 December 1991

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They have also changed their view, I believe, in a way that is not consistent with their printed policy. I think the Bill that is before us is consistent with the Rally's published policy. It should not surprise us, Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, that the Rally departs from its policies, nor should it surprise us that all three of them feel that they have to address this matter. I suspect that they are checking up on each other to see which one comes out the most pure.

Nevertheless, it is very pleasing that the majority of members of the Assembly will be supporting this Bill. It is very important, as a number of speakers have said. This is an important adjunct to Canberra industry; an important adjunct to our tourism and convention attractions; an important way of creating some jobs, particularly for our young people.

Dr Kinloch, of course, takes the view that these jobs are not good enough for our young people. I think that he is taking a very limited approach to employment. If he were to look, for instance, at the front page of the Canberra Times yesterday where there was a report of a young woman, a graduate of our college system, who was looking for a job in a fast food outlet and expressing her great disappointment that she had not, so far, secured such a job, he would realise that people have a wide variety of job aspirations at any particular time in their lives. I think that these jobs are important, both the ones that will be created in the construction industry and the later jobs, about 500, that will be created in the casino and related industries.

Some members have also made comment about the viability of this casino proposal. I really think that they are short-changing the project proponents if they think they have gone into this with their eyes shut and that they have not made a very close study of the operation of casinos in Australia and, of course, a very careful study of the operation of other gambling outlets in the ACT. Of course, they would have; they are not amateurs. They run about 100 casinos around the world and they have clearly made the judgment that this is a viable and profitable project that they are entering into in the ACT. I would also like to say that banks who will be financing the project are not noted for taking risks on matters like this. They are very conservative in their approach and they have clearly made a commitment here that indicates again that this is a viable project.

Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, Mr Collaery raised some legal matters. I do not have legal advice available to me to respond to those matters; but I would like to point out that the Scrutiny of Bills Committee has looked at this Bill and in their report, which we received today, they made no comment on the Bill that is before us. The report merely says that this Bill amends a principal Act to provide for an interim casino. As we know, it authorises

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