Page 6227 - Week 19 - Tuesday, 17 December 1991

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Let me close my remarks, Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, by referring to the requirements and the needs for Civic Square. I am pleased to see that some work has started in relation to Civic Square; but I think it is important to remember that in my dissenting comments, on page 35 of the select committee's report, I referred to the need for an upgrading of Civic Square. I am pleased to see that at least some work has started towards that.

But we are also concerned, as I think Mr Duby is, to get some clear indication from the Government as to what is going to be provided from the money that they seek to get from this casino licence and from the tax that they are going to claim. Is some of that money going to be used to upgrade Civic Square, which is much in need of that sort of work? I will not refer to it now, but members who wish to refresh their minds can look at my comments in relation to the Civic Square upgrading on pages 35 and 36 of the report. They go back as far as July 1989. I think it is important to remember that we were concerned about the future of Civic Square as long ago as that.

Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, in closing I should reiterate once again the concerns expressed by people in this place in relation to the requirement for a social impact survey and services to assist people who are already suffering from the effects of gambling within the ACT, and for the gambling revenue, wherever that may come from, to fund such services. I have sought to have these sorts of facilities provided from both without and within government. We were unsuccessful. I was unsuccessful on both occasions.

I see that the Chief Minister has given some indication in her speech that there will be a development in that area. That is something on which she deserves congratulations. It is unfortunate that it has taken so long for successive governments to accept the requirement. I commend that very important recommendation to the Government and seek to have that done speedily, whether or not the casino goes ahead next year after the planning process has gone through, depending of course upon the format of this Assembly after the election in February.

MR STEVENSON (5.01): Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, I believe that there are a number of reasons why it is unwise to introduce a casino in the ACT. However, we have surveyed this matter and the majority of people in Canberra believe that it is a good idea to have a casino. I have not surveyed the specific reasons for that and, accordingly, I will not vote against the Bill. However, I wish to make known the reasons why I think it is unwise. Perhaps I could start with the social welfare costs.

I was a member of the select committee which inquired into the casino and I came to the strong opinion, after listening to evidence presented from many people, that the costs of people becoming involved in gambling and becoming

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