Page 6212 - Week 19 - Tuesday, 17 December 1991

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they come to Canberra; that they may be prepared to stay overnight when there is such a facility available, instead of leaving Canberra. That is an added inducement to tourists - not the inducement, not the greatest inducement, but an added inducement. I do not think anybody can argue against the view that there are people who will use this facility, but we do not claim it to be the solution to all of our problems.

I think that I would have been happier to have seen something of a construction project. I know that there is going to be a small construction element of this adjacent to the Capital Parkroyal Hotel. Our original idea, and in fairness I think the original concept of the Labor Party, was that there would be some major construction that would create something of a permanent nature for Canberra as well as providing along the way some jobs in the construction industry to keep that industry alive in Canberra, and of course in the end to provide more permanent employment for the people who will be employed in the casino and in the support industries that will provide services to that industry. However, that apparently has not been possible.

I believe that the Government has faithfully followed the proposals that they set in train and which we pursued; that the selection process in terms of the operator of this casino has been totally above board, and that in considering the proposals that were put to them they found the best operator of this casino. I have no reason to doubt that at all, and I think that we will find that the casino will be properly operated. But, of course, we have to make sure that legislation is in place to provide a bit of clout behind the control mechanisms that the Government needs to put in place with such an establishment in Canberra.

Mr Deputy Speaker, I do not think I need to say any more. We support the casino. We support the legislation that has been put to us now to formalise the establishment of the casino. We note that the interim Territory Plan needs to be amended. I have already received the proposed variation document to change the site next to the Parkroyal Hotel so that it can accommodate the casino. When I first heard that it was going to be adjacent to the Parkroyal I had visions of something being built in the middle of Glebe Park, which upset me a bit; but that is not the case. I believe that this will be accommodated appropriately on that site. I think that in years to come it will be a place of entertainment.

I know that Dr Kinloch will never go there. I probably will never go there.

Ms Follett: I will.

Mr Moore: I will have a look in.

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