Page 6091 - Week 18 - Thursday, 12 December 1991

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Suspension of Standing and Temporary Orders

MR BERRY (Deputy Chief Minister) (6.29): Mr Speaker, I therefore move:

That so much of the standing and temporary orders be suspended as would prevent Mr Berry from moving a motion of censure of Mr Humphries.

Members, I apologise for not being able to consult with each member before raising this issue. It was just a few moments ago that I was given a report of a news report on WIN television this evening in relation to a report which was due to be put to this Assembly today. The Select Committee on Hospital Bed Numbers was to report to this Assembly today. This evening on WIN television a detailed report of the recommendations of that inquiry was made public, obviously by Mr Humphries. On that basis, members, I seek your support to suspend the standing orders and to debate this issue of censure against Mr Humphries.

MR HUMPHRIES (6.31): Mr Speaker, as usual Mr Berry, in his grubby fashion, tries to make some sordid little point. It is extraordinary how quickly Mr Berry runs to the question of censure, when he himself, when facing censure, cowers against - - -

Mr Berry: Where is the report? I do not have the report. No member of this Assembly has the report and the media have it.

MR HUMPHRIES: That is not true. Mr Speaker, I think Mr Berry has exposed the fallacy of what it is that he has just moved in the Assembly. Nobody has a copy of the report.

Mr Berry: Well, the media know about it. You have reported the findings.

MR HUMPHRIES: That is not true. What the media have is issues arising out of this report. They have a discussion of what was discussed in that committee. As chairman of the committee, as I understand it, under standing order 242(b) I am entitled to make statements as the presiding member on material before the committee, and that is what I have done. I have not given anybody a copy of the report. Indeed, apart from three draft copies of the report, there are no copies of the report to give.

Mr Berry came to me earlier today and said, "We would like you to bring this matter on at 6.30". It was about 5.30 at the time. I can see why he asked me to do that. He wanted to make sure that it was going on at 6.30, so that he could bring this matter forward and censure me. He obviously was aware of the fact that I had briefed members of the media about issues taking place and being discussed by our committee.

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