Page 6089 - Week 18 - Thursday, 12 December 1991

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lifestyle that is far more enjoyable and fulfilling and worthwhile. Having visited some of the houses that are run under the auspices of, particularly, the intellectual disability service of the department, it is very clear that the people who are moving out of institutions into the community are living very worthwhile and very positive and enjoyable lives.

Mr Humphries made the point that in de-institutionalising sheltered workshops we want to be careful that we do not go too far and de-institutionalise people who are not appropriate for de-institutionalisation. The same argument is often made with de-institutionalising residential matters; there is an argument that it is okay for people with a less severe level of disabilities, but there is a fear, often, that an individual is not suitable for that move.

While the Government is aware of that sensitivity, and Mr Humphries has probably already been to a lot of these places in the community, it is remarkable to see the quality of life that people, often with quite profound levels of disability, are enjoying back in the community context. Really, that is what this legislation is all about. It is part of the human rights package. It fits neatly in with the guardianship and human rights Bills that the Assembly has passed.

In a couple of months we have made three major milestones. It is all about ensuring that the community recognises the rights of people with disabilities and that, as far as possible, people with disabilities are able to be part of the community rather than treated as somehow apart from the rest of us and given special but discrete treatment. I welcome the support for the Bill and hope that it has a speedy passage.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Bill agreed to in principle.

Leave granted to dispense with the detail stage.

MR SPEAKER: The question is: That the Bill be agreed to.

MR COLLAERY (6.26): Mr Speaker, I have been requested by Advance Personnel (Canberra) Incorporated to put on the record during this debate the situation therein in relation to a waiting list of 200 people.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Collaery, really, we have completed the debate on the Bill. I am not sure where you are coming from.

MR COLLAERY: Well, you have put the question, Mr Speaker.

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