Page 6060 - Week 18 - Thursday, 12 December 1991

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Mr Humphries took a very broad definition of the impact of this legislation. When he reads subclause 3(2) of the Bill, he may be disposed to take a rather narrower and more accurate view. Let me read that clause:

A reference in this Act to an ozone depleting substance shall not be read as including a reference to a manufactured article that -

(a) contains, or will use in its operation, an ozone depleting substance; or

(b) consists in part of an ozone depleting substance only because the substance was used in the manufacturing process.

So, we ordinary citizens who use a refrigerator, drive a car, ride a surf ski, or use any of the range of finished products that may have involved, or still involves, the use of ozone depleting substances, will not in any way be affected. Mr Humphries, I think, had not carefully read that clause as he read through other aspects of the Bill. It cannot be taken as broadly as he indicated.

I think it was Mr Humphries who asked for dates by which ozone depleting substances will be phased out. Again, those dates are, I understand, established after consultation with relevant industry bodies. Some members here may have received a recent promotional letter from Mercedes Benz pointing out that their new vehicles no longer use ozone depleting gases in their air-conditioning. Volvo is another manufacturer that has already gone down that path. However, by the end of 1993 - - -

Mr Moore: You had better buy them for members.

MR WOOD: You would have to argue a strong case to this parsimonious Government, Mr Moore. But it will not be long. By the end of next year, barely 12 months away, no motor vehicle containing CFCs will be manufactured in or imported into Australia. So, that is not far away. That is one target. I am sorry; that is two years away - by the end of 1993. I am into next year already. By the end of next year, you will not be able to import or purchase refrigerators with CFCs.

So, those are the sorts of targets that are being set. I think the present target - and these targets are revised; I think there is out now a fairly new revision of the document Mr Jensen was quoting from - is that it is hoped that, by the end of 1988, all CFCs will be banned. That is the sort of timetable that is under way at the moment.

Mr Jensen alluded to the national approach that is being taken. The legislation that we are presenting here is very much the same as that being presented throughout all the States and Territories. Mr Stevenson suggested that we did

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