Page 6036 - Week 18 - Thursday, 12 December 1991

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Nevertheless, Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, the budget that we brought down was a balanced, responsible budget, aimed at increasing the economic well-being of this Territory. If Dr Kinloch has any doubts about that, I would refer him to the government finance statistics that were released today by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, which confirm the correctness and the effectiveness of the ACT's budget strategy. That would involve him in a bit of work, and I know that that is probably not his strong point; but I would be appreciative if he would care to have a look at the Bureau of Statistics figures and their report.

In addition to the budget, which I admit is not a quick fix - I am not interested in quick fixes - I have taken a number of measures aimed at increasing the conduciveness of the ACT's environment to growth in the private sector. I can understand that again Dr Kinloch has not bothered to read those matters; he has not bothered with the financial pages of the Canberra Times or the press releases of anyone other than his own party, so I will reiterate what those steps are.

Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, the initiatives which I launched in Canberra Business Week in 1991 included a business licence information service, a strengthened approach to business regulation review, the establishment of Businessline, the enhancement of the National Industry Extension Service which is a joint Commonwealth-Territory program to assist companies to move into national and international markets, active participation with the Commonwealth Department of Industry, Technology and Commerce to ensure that ACT businesses benefit from the Federal Government's small and medium enterprise development program, the establishment of a program to facilitate access to affordable relevant business planning and management services, the development of a business starters information kit, the establishment of a small business financial advisory service, and the establishment of a business services centre to bring together business services in a central location.

They are practical steps, Dr Kinloch, aimed at improving the diversity and the size of the private sector in the ACT. I would ask members to contrast that with Dr Kinloch's pronouncements on the subject. He said that the Rally would "encourage a range of industries, large and small, to settle here". What an objective! How helpful that is! I do not know how we are to encourage them. Perhaps by sending them a Christmas card; perhaps not. Perhaps by engaging in silent contemplation of the merits of it all. That is what Dr Kinloch is best at. Just encourage them. What an empty, meaningless statement! I would ask members to contrast that with the actual practical steps that have been taken.

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