Page 6005 - Week 18 - Thursday, 12 December 1991

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Mr Stevenson: Notwithstanding that I have already told you that it is not.

MR DUBY: Mr Stevenson cannot tell me what it is, though, unfortunately. It is published from Toowoomba. What those particular items have to do with the matter of behavioural disturbance amongst young people I do not know. I think it indicates just where Mr Stevenson's dissenting report has stemmed from. It is all League of Rights rubbish.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

MRS NOLAN: I seek leave to make a personal explanation.

MR SPEAKER: Do you claim to have been misrepresented?

MRS NOLAN: Yes. During the course of the debate both Dr Kinloch and Mrs Grassby made statements which were totally untrue. I have to say that the seriousness may not be all that great, but I do not like any member coming into this house and making a statement that is not correct. Dr Kinloch made reference to page 130 of my report and he quoted only part of it. He said that I said that not enough time was spent. I had made reference to not enough time being spent on two particular sections of what I consider to be very important issues. It was not in relation to not enough time being spent in relation to this inquiry.

Mrs Grassby made mention of my making some mention of private schools. I do not use the words "private schools", to start off with; I use the words "non-government schools". I made no such reference at all today during my speech in relation to this committee report, and I think it is totally inappropriate that members can come in and do exactly that.

MR STEVENSON: I also seek to make an explanation.

MR SPEAKER: Do you claim to have been misrepresented?

MR STEVENSON: It is not a claim actually; but, yes, I will speak on it.

MR SPEAKER: Please proceed.

MR STEVENSON: Mr Duby said that I had mentioned recommended reading. He mentioned a couple of points. He mentioned Hand Over Our Loot. As I have mentioned in this house before, that talks about the financial pressures that are brought on families that do not need to be - - -

Mr Berry: I raise a point of order, Mr Speaker. This is not a personal explanation. This is debating the issue. If he wants to debate the issue and go for Mr Duby, he ought to do it by way of a substantive motion.

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