Page 5987 - Week 18 - Thursday, 12 December 1991

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Generally, the Government needs to have a good look at the services related to suicide and attempted suicide. The committee acknowledges the work of the Prevention and Management of Youth Suicide Group and recommends, on pageĀ 95, that the Government continue to support it, along with coordination of government and non-government groups working in the area. (Extension of time granted)

A major issue that was raised in both formal and informal evidence was organisation and coordination of services. I quote from the preface:

As children do not fit neatly into categories, service providers need to take an holistic approach. That is essential, especially in a climate of fiscal constraint.

Mr Speaker, what I consider to be a major recommendation of the report is on page 111, where the committee recommends:

the Government establish an interdepartmental Committee to develop and implement an interagency referral process for young people with behavioural disturbance;

the interagency referral process be developed and implemented first for school aged students and in the second stage be extended to include all children and young people with behavioural disturbance.

The committee visited South Australia and met with some of the people involved with the development and implementation of the South Australian interagency referral process. The referral process was set up in response to social and behaviour problems of schoolchildren in South Australia. In the other recommendation which refers to coordination of services, on page 59, we recommend:

the ACT Government review the organisation of Health, Welfare, Education and Intellectual Disability services and develop a more integrated model of service delivery.

I believe that these recommendations are extremely important.

The recommendations bring me to the five-year strategy, which involves a whole range of recommendations. The report states at page 112:

The Territory is geographically compact and has a dedicated and skilled workforce both in the government and non-government sectors. The ACT ought to be able to develop a system of service provision and delivery that leads the nation.

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